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Sesja plakatowa z okazji "The Student Symposium of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (SACMA)"

Sesja plakatowa z okazji "The Student Symposium of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (SACMA)"




VII Student Symposium of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (SACMA 2022)


The Student Symposium of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (SACMA) has been held since 2015 at the University of Cádiz as the first contact of our students with a research conference. This Symposium lend our students (BSc, MSc and early PhD students) get their first contact in a research conference. The aim of the Symposium is to spread the research carried out by our students (e.g. final project studies) to their classmates in a friendly environment. Moreover, students from other faculties whose research activities are related with Marine and Environmental Sciences are also welcomed.

This year, in the frame of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), it has been considered a special poster session for students of the partner universities. All accepted poster will be exposed at the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science (University of Cádiz, Spain) and authors can explain its research during a virtual session.

You can also attend virtually to the Symposium.

Location: Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science, Puerto Real, Cádiz (Spain)

Date: May 6th and 13th 2022

Deadline abstract submission: March 1th 2022, (14:00 h CET)

E-mail: inscripcion.sacma@uca.es

Sesja plakatowa | akademiapediatrii

Treść ostatnio zmodyfikowana przez: Dorota Miśków
Treść wprowadzona przez: Dorota Miśków
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 
piątek, 14 stycznia 2022 roku, 12:41